Mental Health Mantra 79/365 and Dog Mantra Rosie the Rottweiler mix features on Day 79 of 365, she lives in Canada. I first saw Rosie's puppy picture and she is just adorable and then here is Rosie at around 9 months old, she is just waiting on the end of her cushion to go play or to go walk. Whatever it is, Rosie is THERE! Waiting!!! I loved painting this of Rosie, it was such a joy. Her eyes are so expressive, she is my 20th Dog, I have spent these last 20 days focusing on the eyes of Dogs and they really tell us so much. Look and listen. They may not talk our physical language but boy, they are communicating with us ALL THE TIME. I want to foster more play in my day to day life. Tapping into the inner child that is craving some play. Rosie is a reminder. Keep playing and shining Star Seeds. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
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Mental Health Mantra 78/365 and Dog Mantra Meet Hugo, he's 3 and featuring for Day 78 of 365 Mental Health Mantras. He's a truly loyal member of the family and as Philippa tells me, it doesn't matter if he's completely tired out, if you call him or get out his lead, he always gets up and goes with you, he loves hugs and being with the people he loves. Hugo is a prime example of being spontaneous despite feeling tired, but always 'up' for an adventure, as long as you're going too, he is totally delighted. Sometimes I feel I have lost site of this spontaneity but spending time drawing and painting Hugo has given me some oomph and inspiration. Keep shining Star Seeds. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 77/365 and Dog Mantra This is Maia who is Day 77 of 365 who lives in America. Maia is a Blue Tick Coonhound mix - Possibly Plott Hound, Cristen tells me. She recently turned 5. Cristen tells me "the ironic thing is, she would rarely come near me when I would visit them in their first 8 weeks. Now? She won’t leave me alone. She is also the most vocal dog I have ever experienced. It goes beyond barking. She also talks back when she’s being disciplined. This past week I learned how in tune she is with my emotions and changes in mood. She’s always been that way, but I saw it differently in this specific instance. She will do whatever she can to get as close as possible to me and grab at my arm to distract. She will go as far as climbing on me to sit or lay on my chest. If I can’t handle her doing that, she will lay as close as possible and lay her paw on me. When it comes to other people, she is very reserved and shy." I would love to meet Maia, she sounds like a real character, plus I would love to meet Cristen as we have been kindreds for about 9 years now. The photo that was sent to me for Maia's Dog Mantra, captured something in her eyes, the way she looked in the lens, and her dog mantra matched it completely. Keep making your presence known folks. Keep shining. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 76/365 and Dog Mantra It is Luna's birthday today, she's 8 years old. I remember the day so very clearly, her coming to join us at 8 weeks old, it was 6 months after Jack Lucy had passed, we had opened our home to a stray cat called Pudding who was the heartbeat we had missed in the house - cat mantra month is coming ;) Luna is an absolute sweetie pie. The most tactile and huggiest dog I have ever blessed to have been with. She has many names; the first one was Parrot Dog, because she would wrap herself around our neck like a scarf and perch on our shoulder, and fall madly asleep. Her names keep coming, she's now called The Boones, because of course of her niece who's called The Buns. The Boones and The Buns has a cute little song that goes with it / if you remember I talked about Singing your tunes every Day in this dog mantra here Luna is never far away from me. She is my constant companion. Always near. As I sit in my studio working, painting, talking, she's there in the grey wicker chair. I hear her breathing, snoring and dreaming. Every now and then she'll get up, tap my knees to ask to come, have a hug then settle back down. She is by my side always. Luna is not just physically by my side always, she is there emotionally and spiritually. We are there for each other. It is a beautiful friendship. People often say they would love to have a dog but can't cope with losing them. I can't cope with not having them next to me as I travel this earth school. It is a heartbreaking when they leave, as they don't live the same years as us, yet, the connection is what my soul desires. It's non negotiable. By my side always. *** The painting bit I messed up the background here as the ink I chose to do it was a lovely green colour but only on applying, (I hadn't used it before) I discovered there were yukky bits in it - the pigment had gone all hard and crackly inside. It ruined the background paper, so I cut out Luna and placed her on a new background, so she appears to be slightly raised here - and she is. Keep shining Star Seeds. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 75/365 and Dog Mantra This is Wizard. A Sharpei. Deeply Selfless Deeply Loving. A simple soul Yet holds infinite wisdom. He dishes out the kisses to everyone and this is his mantra. Don't hold back, Dish out the Kisses. **** Expanding my practice and connecting to these souls is giving me a daily focus and go-to. It's not the tidiest of practices as my table gets very messy with pens, ink, pencils, papers, containers are all over it. Yet I love being in this zone. I always have. Julia aged 8 with a table awash with pens of all varieties and colours. Using a variety of media is freeing. Having no rules. Thank you Wizard for encouraging me to being out the HB pencil to add more contours to your fur. Keep trusting your inner knowing Star Seeds. By now you know that to do that you have to get quiet and go within. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.' process photosmessy studio tableMental Health Mantra 74/365 and Dog Mantra Day 74 and we have Freddie and Woody Freddie is a Cavapoo and Woody is a Springerdoodle! I actually met these two gorgeous boys and they really are cuddly scrumptious. Michelle told me that Freddie is the boss and is 8 years old, he loves people. Woody, 6 is empathetic and will paw you and come to sit with you if you are sad. They are the best of friends and remind us that true friendships rock. I had such fun with these two. Keep rocking. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 73/365 and Dog Mantra Mabel, the Bassett, what adorableness is she... featuring as Day 73 of 365. Jenny tells me "Mabel will be 3 next month and is the sweetest soul with the loudest bark. She loves to be with you, almost touching you at every opportunity. If we go for a walk the family pack must stay together, don’t let anyone dare pop into a shop, she will sit on the spot and wait for them to return! I think she is constantly saying to me ‘Are you ok?’ It got me thinking about that - how many times do we ask ourselves if we are ok? What do we need in that now moment? Connecting energetically with Dog energy is wonderful and I feel very honoured to do this. Mabel reminds me to check in with myself - asking if I'm ok and what do I need? Such a great honour to paint you Mabel, she has her own Instagram page @mabel.basset Thank you Jenny too. You can find Jenny at Jenny Dunlop Art, what an amazingly talented artist. Keep being ok folks. and keep shining. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 72/365 and Dog Mantra I love Beagles. There is something about them. I remember being with a friend who had a Beagle and he was always 'always over the place.' He was just bouncy and full of beans. This is Bo. He's such a cute Beagle and is providing some wisdom for me today because it has been quite a full on couple of days, I have felt that I have been 'all over the place.' Staying calm and staying centred is one thing that I do try to be on a daily basis. Sometimes I am way off - this is rarely seen apart from my husband. Drawing dogs is a focal point in my day, which combined with all the other chores and challenges, it keeps me in a calm state because I have to come back to this point. Bo the Beagle is a reminder to remain in a calm state as best as I possibly can. To turn to the things that bring me calm, in order to manage all the other stuff in between. A calm vibration emits a steady harmonious frequency internally and externally. The calm mind is my goal. As my friend Carolyn of Oxygen Publishing tells me "Slow down to speed up." We are taught as we grow up to react to the outer world and to let our outside world control our inside world. What I'm doing and have been doing is to flip that switch so that my inside world dictates my outside world. Of course, there are life events that happen, with sadness, shock and uncontrollable distress. These are out of my control. It is in the way I manage them that teaches me I am in the drivers seat of my beliefs, feelings, emotions, responses. I've got to let the inside world take charge of my outside world. Live from the inside out. To do so, I do my upmost to remain in a calm state. Remember here, these are reminders, snapshots to keep me going, to keep you going to. We are always challenged by what is going on externally, which is out of our control, we are only in control of the way we react to it. This is a huge shift in perception, one that I work and study at every day. Keep calm and keep shining. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 71/365 and Dog Mantra Here we are on Day 71 of Mental Health Mantras and this is Tia, she's a 9 year old Boxer. I was told by Mo, that Tia is studying for a PHD in "Being the Boss". He went on to tell me "Tia came in our life during a very private and difficult time. She is a nervous little girl that needed two loving and understanding parents. My partner Dawn has always get the dog you need and the dog gets the family it needs....and that’s how it should be...." Tia is clearly a reminder to stand your ground and be 'in the boss' vibe. It was so wonderful spending this time with her - I connected energetically with her and she is such a great being. There's alot to be said for 'Be the Boss'. Keep shining your light Star Seeds. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 70/365 and Dog Mantra This is Jack Lucy. The original Jack Russell who I loved with all my heart and soul. I have been blessed to have had 6 relationships with dogs in my 52 years, Jack Lucy was a huge character and those that knew her would also say the same. It was only a matter of time that I would draw Jack Lucy here for Dog Mantras. Lucy initiated my daily tunes, just by being her. No sooner did we connect when she was 8 weeks old, I found myself creating little ditties to sing to her. She responded and would get into the song and together we would sing..... I would make up and sing tunes about getting her breakfast I would make up and sing tunes about going for a walk and going in the car I would make up and sing tunes about bathing her I would make up and sing tunes about cuddling up and sleeping I would make up and sing tunes about treat time You name it, there's a tune. A made-up little ditty. Lucy's Dog Mantra is to remind me (and perhaps you), to sing tunes every day. Singing tunes raises our frequency and places our soul into a happy state. This is not about singing perfectly formed songs and knowing all the words, these are the little made up tunes you make as you're washing up, or taking a shower. Oh... hang on ..... is this just me? I reckon all of you who have dogs, make up songs to sing to them. Try it, singing to our dogs is the best. They love it. Keep singing and keep smiling folks. I have to catch up on my dog drawings due to a circumstances here at Jules HQ, I have 2 days to do but I'll catch up,.... I am determined to continue with my Mental Health Mantras. They are helping me and they are helping you, because you're telling me so in private messages. We need it right now. Love x Another famous trick of Jack Lucy was to pick up two balls at once, seen here in this video from 2008. 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 69/365 and Dog Mantra Meet Puncho, he's 3 years old, a French Bulldog from Canada. Puncho saves lives by being there by being present by encouraging whomever is in his charge by going outside in nature. Puncho his eyes say it all they say love they say knowing they say wisdom. Being with Puncho even for such a short time, can have a huge impact. On day 69 of my Mental Health Mantras and featuring Dog Mantras for March, I am soaking up hearing about all the heart centred tales ( tails ) of these sentient beings. I have been very fortunate to have lived my 52 years with 6 dogs. They not only educate us about The Way of the Dog, they educate us about The Way of the Human. For anyone who has had a beautiful relationship with their dog friend, they will know. It's priceless. Despite all that is going on externally around you, know that you are loved. Be centred in your truth and knowing. Keep shining Star Seeds. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 67/365 and Dog Mantra For Day 68 of 365, meet Bailey who is a Golden Retriever and nearly 2 years old living in America. I was captured by Bailey's photograph on his Mama, Alia's stories. I drew Alia's Muse in 2013 so it is lovely how full circle this comes round. She was one of the original 76 women who featured in Muse Mantra Colour Meditations / a colouring book I created from drawing the 76 women in an online self development group. This time, it's Bailey's turn. Bailey popped into Alia's life only a few weeks before her son was diagnosed with cancer. The first six months of Bailey’s life were pretty lonely, as they were navigating the treatment. Bailey became extremely close with Alia's son and helped him through his difficult times. Now they are both happy, healthy and vibrant! Bailey's Dog Mantra is definitely to Live the Most of Every Day. Live with Joy. Embrace the wisdom of nature. His favourite place is on a nature trail. Bailey reminds us to live each day as if it’s our first and our last, with fresh eyes and wisdom. Drawing Bailey I tapped into this essence and his knowingness, he really is a wise being and his spontaneity is clear to see. It is a reminder for me to find the joy around me and live that joy, even if small snapshots. The joy of turning up to a table full of paints and colours, brushes and paper, is a daily joy. Find the Joy Live the Joy. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 68/365 and Dog Mantra This is Maya, she's a Golden Doodle and lives in Canada. She's sharing her Dog Mantra for Day 68 of 365 Mental Health Mantras. Her Mom, Gabriella, told me that Maya is goofy, but lives and protects wholeheartedly. I love this Dog Mantra because this is what Dogs Do...... all they want to do is LOVE us. Committing to this daily practice of not only drawing and painting every day, then writing a journal entry, following that with posting and sharing, is like Soul Food for me, despite all that is going on in my life right now, this is a snapshot of what is possible and helps me take steps forward into the future version of myself. It gives me the space to view a future me and feel my way through it, whilst taking small baby steps of action. Thank you Maya for your beautiful face and kindness. I loved capturing your essence. Thank you Gabriella for giving me the green light to paint her. Keep loving and shining. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 66/365 and Dog Mantra Day 66 and Dog for the Day is Doodles.He is an 8 year old Bichon Frise. I have known Doodles since he was a puppy because him and Luna have their birthday 15 days apart and they used to play with each other in the park in the early years. Doodles is a real Love Bug. Michelle Beaver, his Mum told me ...."Doodles sleeps on our bed, has 2 to 3 proper walks a day. He understands many words, including 'walks, meander, cheese, treats, chicken, ball, and even poo bags!!' He is even getting to learn how to spell when we spell out words. When we're going out he looks at us and goes to front door to make sure we know he's there waiting. When any of us come home, he grabs a toy and brings it to the front door to show us. He loves his tennis ball." Why is Doodles wearing a Daffodil I hear you ask? Doodles is always up for an adventure, he is supporting Michelle who is an AMAZING fundraiser for Marie Curie, who started the Daffodil appeal. When I saw the photograph of Doodles wearing the daffodil, I knew I had to paint him. I believe he wasn't that impressed with wearing it but the fact he's always up for an adventure means he'll give it a go. Michelle has been fundraising for Marie Curie for 5 years; this charity helped her family hugely when it was needed most. Since then she has been giving back by volunteering and fundraising. She tells me she has met some amazing people along the way, including Royalty, quiz show hosts, and Loose Women! Michelle's commitment to challenging herself and having adventures is second to none. This must be where Doodles has got it from. She has trekked around the world, including China, Grand Canyon, Sri Lanka, Kilimanjaro, Ben Nevis, the last one being Nepal 2020 when she went with her daughter. When lockdown began in March 2020, Michelle needed a new challenge and she began her cycling 2020 miles in 2020 which she brilliantly completed on 11 December 2020 raising £1417. I am sure Doodles would have been right by her side if he could. Support and Like Michelle's page Facebook page as it is all about raising awareness and fundraising for the charity. 100% of the money donated by people goes directly to the charity Marie Curie. Doodles is always up for an adventure, he's ready and waiting. This is the photo that really grabbed me as I thought it would be fab to draw and paint The Essence of Doodles! His Dog Mantra reminds us to be open to an adventure and be spontaneous - life is for living and enjoying. Dogs teach us that in a huge way don't they. Thank you Doodles, and Thank you Michelle. #paintinginprocessKeep having those adventures peeps. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 65/365 and Dog Mantra 65th day and it's time for Bou the Bernese Mountain Dog. He's a darling boy and although we haven't met I spent time with him whilst drawing and painting him ..... a great connection. Bou lives in Montreal, he's a very happy and lucky boy, rescued at 4 years old he went to live in the country where he has a very big property to run and run. He has a big furfamily and now that he's near 13, he walks slower and love to wander. Because he can't hear so well anymore, sometimes he gets lost, so he likes to have his humans as close as possible. I adored this time with Bou. He wanted to Hug Me as I was painting him - I could feel all his glorious fur and huge paws just hugging me. Connecting with dogs is really keeping me going and as I commit to this creative meditation practice it is getting me through every day with all that is going on in my world. Keep Hugging. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 64/365 and Dog Mantra Today was a challenge of a day to find the head space to be, with paints, with me, with dog. My heart strings pulled in other directions today. Sitting down to draw Holly the lovely Bassett Hound on Day 64 pulled me right back into alignment. Holly is the most cutest girl. Kind, loving, always happy and wanting to go walking for hours upon hours, then coming home to bury her self under the sheets. I have been told that Holly would always avert her eyes from the camera and rarely look straight in the camera, preferring to be in the moment, finding the fun, right in that now moment. Posing was not her thing. Holly shares a great lesson to me right now, to do fun things, find fun things despite worryingly all that goes on around me and in the country. Holly would always find fun things to do, to play, to experience. As I sit in creative meditation and draw these dogs in March I soothe my soul, stepping into a way of being that is more aligned and attuned to what my soul is whispering. I have to be very still and quiet, find pockets of time during the day to do this, zoning out external noise and listen to my own inner compass. It is here my soul speaks. It is where our soul speaks. Thank you dear Holly for the reminder and to Jenny for sharing the story of her beloved. Keep finding the fun Star Seeds. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 63/365 and Dog Mantra This is Kao. He is the love of Linda's life, her soul dog. He emits love from every pore/paw. They found each other almost 14 years ago. Her friend had his father, Zeek, a loyal, loving and gentle dog - he was the first pick of the litter. Kao has been by Linda's side since that puppy pic, through breakups, moves and her Parents death. He loved her even when she had trouble loving herself. He listens intently and knows what she is saying, even when she says nothing. He snores and farts regularly, always waits to be invited up to the sofa and will grunt at her until she says yes. He loves running but sometimes doesn't know how to stop. He wiggles with abandon and will show his toys to anyone who comes to visit. Kao is Linda's love. Her Soul Dog. and even though she hasn't gone to the bathroom by herself in 14 years, she would not change a thing. Kao's Dog Mantra is "I know you are worthy." To remind us all that we are worthy. Right now. Right here. I adored painting Kao, he has such a wise knowing that was nudging me forward - I could feel my inner critic come in and tell me what I was doing wrong, trying to steer me in certain directions. I told Inner Critic to PIPE DOWN. I continued with my hypnotic painting of Kao and feel honoured to have spent this time with him. Keep feeling worthy Star Seeds. Listen to Kao. Check out Linda's two books featuring Kao; George and Mildred Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.
Mental Health Mantra 62/365 and Dog Mantra Meet Monk. He's a standard wire haired Dachshund and is a LOVER and a Buddhist MONK. He's just amazing. and adorable" say's his Anna Joti. He lives with 2 other dogs (who you'll meet in March as well.) Monk is known to find himself resting his head on his Anna's meditation cushion (seen here in purple), he contemplates, he thinks. Anna told me "Monk has a look... he has such depth and whites to his eyes, that when he looks up at you, he looks directly into your soul - he just sees you ...... deeply." I love this message from Monk - it is rich with so much wisdom for us humans. There is no judgment from our beloved dogs. They see us. They encourage us on. They nudge us forward. Thank you Monk! Keep seeing, keep shining Star Seeds. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 61/365 Dog Mantra This morning it is all about Jack Russell, Honey. If there's one Mantra that Honey has on repeat it is 'let's go outside to play.' She never misses an opportunity to go outside and play. The ball is never far away and is left strategically at the back door for her to pick up on the way out. She knows exactly where it is and so when I say 'find it,' she goes to the back door. This Mental Health Mantra gets me outside. I go and play ball. I take my cue from Honey. I know she knows though. Getting outside to play is the answer. Keep shining Star Seeds. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
Mental Health Mantra 60/365 Dog Mantra and here we are ... Day 60 of 365. I decided after much deliberation I was going to focus on DOGS in March. For those of your who know me well - this is NO surprise. Except I have never dedicated time to drawing dogs, so I am actually scared and excited all rolled into one. I have done a few but not a consistent practice - this will be interesting. I was apprehensive sitting down this morning. I knew that obviously I was going to start with my two Jack Russells, here we have Luna first. It's her birthday month too so how cool she will be turning 8 in March in the month of Julia's Dog Mantras. The idea for this as I am pulling together drawings of dogs and their mantras, I will focus on what that mantra is for each dog - in a communicating type of way (have I told you that I communicate with animals?) This is Luna and Luna's mantra is 'Rest your eyes, when you can' This girl knows how to do that. She takes every opportunity to rest her eyes. I followed suit today as this afternoon, I was drained. I rested my eyes and she was with me, resting hers! There is alot to be said for 'resting our eyes' it means, turn away from anything that is draining you. Turn it off, step back, step in. What ever it is.... let's take Luna's mantra as a nudge. Keep shining Love x Dog Mantras / 'Art with Heart - Calm you Mind, Soothe your Soul.'