Dearest She I have been writing to you since you passed, picking up a pen to write is my go-to because I know we shared a love of writing and the written word. I feel close to you when I'm writing you letters. Are you near? I hope and pray that you're now running, skipping and dancing free, just like the 7 year old ballerina in the DVD from 1942. I am so very heart broken that you're no longer here physically - devastated - I know how tired your physical body was and it just couldn't go on. I was singing the other day to Edelweiss on the radio, we loved singing together and especially those harmonies as we did the washing up.. I want to curl up and hide away but right now I'm needed here, I'm tired and need to rest. It's Poetry Group tonight, the title you all chose back in August is still Somewhere Else, it seems so fitting now. We are all reconnecting around your table, to honour you. I had planned to join the poetry clan anyway when I returned, now I'm sitting in your chair. I hope I'll be okay. I have found the beginning of your poem that you began in August, after the last session. Who knew you wouldn't be there, things took a turn for the worst and here we are, without you. I have also written my poem. I do hope you are listening. I bought biscuits. Somewhere Else S uddenly living in a new place O n a bed of emotions and grief M issing the very woman I returned to love E ntering a twilight world W atching the world go by H ankering after missed opportunities E scaping when I can, not R eassuring my heart E verything will be okay E verything will settle L eaning in, to acceptance S urrendering to what is E volving into someone somewhere else Julia Harvey October 2019 and now for yours. Somewhere Else Where is somewhere else In your mind, in your soul In your hopes, in your dreams In your thought, in your days Mind going back to your childhood When your worries were inside Sheila Dolowitch August 2019. Post Poetry GroupDear She
It was a lovely night, everyone was so kind and pleased to be back, celebrating you. We talked of you and they shared their stories. Stories are everything. Memories are what I crave. They shared their own poems, of Somewhere Else, and also Poems written about you. How wonderful these words were, you would have been so humbled, tears would have fallen, just as they did for me. I hope you know you are and were, incredibly loved by all people you came into contact. I hope you hear. Love your Jules x