Mental Health Mantra 76/365 and Dog Mantra It is Luna's birthday today, she's 8 years old. I remember the day so very clearly, her coming to join us at 8 weeks old, it was 6 months after Jack Lucy had passed, we had opened our home to a stray cat called Pudding who was the heartbeat we had missed in the house - cat mantra month is coming ;) Luna is an absolute sweetie pie. The most tactile and huggiest dog I have ever blessed to have been with. She has many names; the first one was Parrot Dog, because she would wrap herself around our neck like a scarf and perch on our shoulder, and fall madly asleep. Her names keep coming, she's now called The Boones, because of course of her niece who's called The Buns. The Boones and The Buns has a cute little song that goes with it / if you remember I talked about Singing your tunes every Day in this dog mantra here Luna is never far away from me. She is my constant companion. Always near. As I sit in my studio working, painting, talking, she's there in the grey wicker chair. I hear her breathing, snoring and dreaming. Every now and then she'll get up, tap my knees to ask to come, have a hug then settle back down. She is by my side always. Luna is not just physically by my side always, she is there emotionally and spiritually. We are there for each other. It is a beautiful friendship. People often say they would love to have a dog but can't cope with losing them. I can't cope with not having them next to me as I travel this earth school. It is a heartbreaking when they leave, as they don't live the same years as us, yet, the connection is what my soul desires. It's non negotiable. By my side always. *** The painting bit I messed up the background here as the ink I chose to do it was a lovely green colour but only on applying, (I hadn't used it before) I discovered there were yukky bits in it - the pigment had gone all hard and crackly inside. It ruined the background paper, so I cut out Luna and placed her on a new background, so she appears to be slightly raised here - and she is. Keep shining Star Seeds. Love x 'Art with Heart - Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
8/4/2021 02:06:09 am
Very nice. I adore your articles. Perfect!
Julia Harvey
8/4/2021 01:09:18 pm
I am so glad that you enjoy them. Thank you for taking the time to pop a comment in, it really means a lot. Julia x
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