Mental Health Mantra 34/365 Early in 2020 not long after Mum passed away and whilst caring for my Dad, I was having a conversation with my Montreal confidante and support who lives in 100 acre wood. We would Whats App audio every single day, back and forth, back and forth, she was helping me figure out what was going on and provided such a calm and stoic voice, whilst we sat virtually, at the table, in that wood, eating cake and drinking tea, in tea cups, from tea pots. Not long in, the name Neville Goddard began to feature in her words and I would ask her to tell me more about him. Who is this chap and what's the story. Neville 1905-1972 was a mystic and influential teacher and author, he didn't associate himself with any 'ism' or 'new thought', he viewed the Bible as a parable of the human psyche and believed that the external God was not answering prayers but rather that we are the creator. I was introduced to this from Louise Hay back in the early 90s as I navigated my way through being very ill. I began to research and study and she talked about us 'creating our own reality.' Fast forward to 2020, 30 years later reading Neville and finding his words resonating on my consciousness in a whole new level. It is our beliefs which create our reality Here was Neville explaining that in fact it was "our beliefs creating our reality, beliefs held in our subconscious mind." This taps into the scientific field of quantum physics and the quantum field, our thoughts become things and us all being interconnected within a web of thoughts. Our perceptions are creating the projections, the projections we see in front of us. Our perceptions are created by our beliefs. What do we believe and can we change our beliefs? If so how? You may find he resonates with you, if so, check him out here. I have the complete Compendium by Dave Allen. Keep shining sunshine and imagine the possibilities. 'Art with Heart, Calm your Mind, Soothe your Soul.'
1 Comment
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